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Language Comparison

This page documents comparisons between kscript and other programming languages.

kscript vs. Python

Python and kscript are probably the closest languages in this page. They share a similar object-oriented and duck-typed philosophy. Scoping rules are also similar, as there are 2 kinds of scope: global and function. They also share a lot of the same keywords (as a lot of languages do).

A somewhat significant difference is that Python has syntactically significant whitespace, whereas kscript only requires whitespace between identifiers and some tokens. This is a holy war in and of itself, and many good arguments on both sides. However, kscript ultimately chose {} blocks and non-significant whitespace for (mainly) two reasons (which are related and similar in many ways):

  • Copying and pasting code between different indentation levels with significant whitespace causes errors, or worse, changes the semantic meanings (think about cutting something in a 1-indentation deep block into a 4-indentation deep block – it would still be at 1-indentation deep, and thus cause the 4-indentation deep block to cease)
  • Autoformatting/autoindenting code is impossible, as changing the indentation would change the semantic meaning, and changing the semantic meaning would change the formatting. Having non-significant whitespace solves this, as an IDE is free to indent/dedent and add newlines as it needs to properly format it

The internals of kscript and Python (specifically, CPython) are similar - both use a bytecode interpreter VM, along with a GIL to manage resources among threads.

kscript vs. C

C and kscript are very different, even though kscript is written in C. Interfacing between C and kscript is easy (ffi for calling C from kscript, and libks for calling kscript from C), but fundamentally kscript is more dynamic, object-oriented, and cross platform, and C programs typically are more efficient, although many kscript modules end up running compiled C code anyway, so number crunching and other expensive operations end up being similar performance.

kscript code is easier to read, write, and distribute. And, you can write your application/library once and then run on many platforms without modification – that’s rare in C.

kscript vs. kscript

To disambiguate throughout this section, I will refer to the our kscript as the “good kscript”, and the other kscript (see here: as the “bad kscript”.

Good kscript:

  • Written from scratch with amazing design in mind
  • Broad and strong standard library with a wide range of features
  • This awesome, unbiased documentation! (you’re reading it right now, so obviously we’ve done something right)
  • Has a legitimate domain (

Bad kscript:

  • Written on top of the JVM, inherently prone to poor design (and thus, performance, maintainability, etc.)
  • Apache commons (enough said)
  • Uses Maven, and Java-based build systems (enough said)

All jokes aside, the projects are quite different, although they are named the same. In general though, the other kscript interfaces with Kotlin, and thus is built on the JVM, and uses JVM-related tooling (like Maven, Gradlew, etc.). Personally I really dislike that ecosystem, and have found it to be messy, and use poor dependency management, as well as project support. But, some people love it, there’s no accounting for taste.